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Maandag 08 juli / 19:30
BLENDER artist meetup alert!
On July 8th we have the next meetup with an awesome guest speaker: Thijs Lodewijk (@tludowic )! He is an artist who combines all kinds of art disciplines with a focus on music, audio and visual arts. He will tell something about his artistic process and the reason why he makes art, which can be very inspiring for your own practice, no matter your discipline.
Thijs Lodewijk, known as LudoWic, is an artist and musician based in the Netherlands. The field he works in is the transitional area. ofmusic and art, in which he experiments with modern technology in combination with old vintage tecniques and gear.
This year he will present an art installation at the Artonov Festival in Brussels, play an electronic live show during Amstedam Dance Event, and performa a full Trautonium concert at the Concertgebouw.
Blender is a monthly informal artist meetup and a free space where diverse artists with various backgrounds can meet to exchange ideas about their work, inspire each other and make new connections. 

19:30 Doors open
20:00 Start
21:45 End

Language: English
Free entrance!